Den norske idealstaten (the norwegian republic) is an art project consisting in rewriting plato’s Republic with the people of norway (présentation en anglais) Alt Går Bra (Artistes plasticiens) Alt Går Bra is a group of visual artists researching the intersections between art and politics through exhibitions, performances, discursive events, and publications. Alt Går Bra will present its project Den Norske Idealstaten (The Norwegian Republic) consisting in rewriting Plato’s Republic. In the search of images representing justice, Den Norske Idealstaten produces coats of arms for the ideal State as envisioned by the people at public assemblies. Bookmaking and printing is central to Alt Går Bra’s practice. This presentation will cover some aspects of making books manually with obsolete analogue technologies in the 21st century. Post from Nathalie’s website about Den Norske Idealstaten in French : http://imaj.hypotheses. org